7 Tips For A Successful Nighttime Routine
Are you exhausted by the time your head hits the pillow? Or do you lay awake counting sheep hoping to eventually fall asleep? Many adults struggle with getting enough sleep and especially getting quality sleep. Life circumstances can cause extra stress which can make it difficult to get restful sleep.
Your activities before bed greatly impact the quality and duration of your night’s rest. In turn, your sleep greatly impacts your productivity levels and success for the next day. In order to optimize your days, you have to get a good nights rest.
This post is all about 7 Tips For A Successful Nighttime Routine.
7 Tips For A Successful Nighttime Routine
I am always looking for ways to improve my sleep habits. The better rested I am, the more productive I am. I have also noticed that I feel better with more rest and quality sleep. Sleep is so important for our physical, mental and emotional health.
There are many aspects that go into having a good night sleep. I have found that a good night time routine really helps to set your body up for success. Below are my 7 Tips For A Successful Nighttime Routine
For me, writing in a journal has always provided a sense of relief and calm. There is something therapeutic about getting all of my thoughts, worries, stress and anxieties down on paper.
Journaling for 10-15 minutes as part of your night time routine can be a great way to relax and re-center yourself. Once you have your stresses down on paper, they don’t need to occupy as much space in your mind.
A challenge for myself (and for you) is to practice writing down some positives.. These can be personal affirmations, favorite parts of your day, quotes that inspire you, etc. Getting all of your thoughts down on paper and out of your brain can be a great way to begin your night time routine and prepare you for success.
Move your Body
Moving your body is just as important of a step in our night time routine as it is in our Productive Morning Routine. While you may not want to engage in rigorous exercise late into the evening, it can be beneficial to do some light exercise.
Some great examples of this are a short walk, stretching or light yoga. These types of movements can help to relax our mind and our body. Exercise is a great tool for relieving stress and can help to calm us as we prepare for sleep.
This step in the night time routine is definitely optional. however, I think it is very helpful in setting us up for success the next day.
Set an alarm for 10-15 min and do a quick “pick-up” of the highest trafficked areas in your home. Personally, I rest much better with a clean kitchen.
Pick up toys off the floor. Fold blankets on the couch. Finish folding the pile of clean laundry.
Whatever your quick clean looks like, it can be an important step to relax at night knowing that you are prepared for the next day.
To Do List
Speaking of being prepared…..a to-do list is a necessary step to having a successful night time routine. As someone who works from home, creating a to-do list of the top items I have to get done the next day really helps to ease my mind.
Similar to journaling, instead of worrying about the next day commitments and hoping I will remember, I just write them down! This also helps to have a successful work day as I already have planned what I need to accomplish. Checking items off your to-do list is rewarding and sets you up for a successful day!
Chill Out. Take some time for yourself. Focus on whatever it is that you like to do at the end of a night. Turn on Netflix. Scroll through social media. Talk with your spouse/partner. Read a book to your children.
Setting aside this time at the end of the day is crucial to helping you relax. If you didn’t get everything completed – no worries. Now is the time to sit back, even if it’s only 10 minutes, and re-connect with yourself.
Sleep Environment
Re-evaluating your sleep environment can
be helpful in getting better quality sleep.
Dark. Cool. Constant.
Having a room that is dark is very important. Try adding in some blackout curtains to keep out unwanted light from outside. Removing electronics from your room can also be helpful, especially if you’re tempted to grab them in the middle of the night.
Keep your room cooler. It is hard to sleep well when you’re overheated. Try turning down the AC or investing in some cooling sheets.
Constant noise helps me to fall asleep and stay asleep longer. You can use a bedside fan or a sound machine. Many alarm clocks also come with settings that play white noise while you sleep.
Wind Down
The last step is all about winding down at the end of the night. You have taken your time to finish your daily tasks, prepare for the next day, and relax and re-connect with yourself.
Next comes winding down. Set an alarm for 10 minutes before you plan on getting in bed. You should aim for this to be at the same time every night. A consistent bedtime can help to promote good quality sleep.
This is your time to disconnect. Turn off all electronics. This can be challenging, but will easily become a habit with a little bit of practice.
Try reading a book, connecting with your spouse or spending some time in self-reflection. Then, get ready to tackle a brand new day!
This post was all about 7 Tips For A Successful Nighttime Routine.